ゼブラ 紙用マッキー極細 15C WYTS5-15C 4901681522804 箱買い商品 / 一箱60セット】ゼブラ 紙用マッキー極細 15C WYTS5-15C (納期優先の為単品詰合せの場合が御座います) こちらの商品はメーカーより取り寄せの為、お急ぎの場合は事前にお問い合わせお願い致します。 箱買い商品 / 一箱60セット入り】水性顔料インクなので、紙に書いても裏うつりしません。模造紙・画用紙・ダンボール等の紙に適しています。乾くと、水に流れない耐水性です。布・木・ガラス・プラスチック・金属等にもご利用になれます。◆極細15色セット/全色◆1本で太・細両用。線の太さ:太5.6mm、細1.4~1.7mm。 In the case of dispatch, please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker. As it is aqueous color ink [I buy a box and enter product / one 60 sets], the back moves even if I write it on the paper and does not do it. I am suitable for paper such as Japanese vellum, drawing paper, the corrugated cardboard. It is water resistance not to play in water when I dry. Cloth, a tree, glass plastic, metal can use it, too. ◆It is large thin for two uses with all 15 colors of extra-fine set / color ◆ one. The thickness of the line: Large 5.6mm, thin 1.4-1.7mm.
箱買い商品 / 一箱60セット】ゼブラ 紙用マッキー極細 15C WYTS5-15C (納期優先の為単品詰合せの場合が御座います)
箱買い商品 / 一箱60セット入り】水性顔料インクなので、紙に書いても裏うつりしません。模造紙・画用紙・ダンボール等の紙に適しています。乾くと、水に流れない耐水性です。布・木・ガラス・プラスチック・金属等にもご利用になれます。◆極細15色セット/全色◆1本で太・細両用。線の太さ:太5.6mm、細1.4~1.7mm。
In the case of dispatch, please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker.
As it is aqueous color ink [I buy a box and enter product / one 60 sets], the back moves even if I write it on the paper and does not do it. I am suitable for paper such as Japanese vellum, drawing paper, the corrugated cardboard. It is water resistance not to play in water when I dry. Cloth, a tree, glass plastic, metal can use it, too. ◆It is large thin for two uses with all 15 colors of extra-fine set / color ◆ one. The thickness of the line: Large 5.6mm, thin 1.4-1.7mm.