おとぼけビ~バ~ 目撃!ラブミ〜・サイン CD 2013 Otoboke Beaver 帯付き あっこりんりん よよよしえ 西川ち ぽっぷ USED 希少
おとぼけビ~バ~ 目撃!ラブミ〜・サイン CD 2013 Otoboke Beaver 帯付き あっこりんりん よよよしえ 西川ち ぽっぷ USED 希少
ご覧頂きありがとうございます。 おとぼけビ~バ~『目撃!ラブミ〜・サイン』2013年の希少なCD、帯付きです。 Limp Bizkitのオープニングアクトを経験され、来年はRED HOT CHILI PEPPERSとのアメリカツアーも決定しております。 今後の高騰は必至です。 ご検討 宜しくお願い致します。 ありがとうございます。 状態:USED ※完品をお求めの方や、USED品にご理解のない方、神経質な方はトラブルの原因になりますので、入札をお控え下さいませ。 ※説明を良くご覧になり、不明なことはご質問下さい。ご納得された上で、ノークレームノーリターンでのご入札をお願い致します。 ※他にもバンドTシャツを中心に、アウトドアブランド、ストリートブランドの衣類、年代物の漫画、様々なジャンルのCD等を出品中ですので、宜しければご覧下さいませ。 Thank you for watching. This is a rare 2013 CD called Obi from Oobake Bi-Ba~Witness! Love Me~Sign. After experiencing the opening act of Limp Bizkit, we have decided to tour the United States with RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS next year. It's bound to soar in the future. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you. states:USED *If you are looking for a complete product, do not understand USED products, or are nervous, please refrain from bidding. *Please take a good look at the explanation and ask questions if you have any questions.If you agree, please bid with no claim and no return. *We are also exhibiting mainly band T-shirts, outdoor brands, street brand clothing, old manga, and CDs of various genres, so please take a look at them are okay with you.
Limp Bizkitのオープニングアクトを経験され、来年はRED HOT CHILI PEPPERSとのアメリカツアーも決定しております。
ご検討 宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for watching.
This is a rare 2013 CD called Obi from Oobake Bi-Ba~Witness! Love Me~Sign.
After experiencing the opening act of Limp Bizkit, we have decided to tour the United States with RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS next year.
It's bound to soar in the future.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you.
*If you are looking for a complete product, do not understand USED products, or are nervous, please refrain from bidding.
*Please take a good look at the explanation and ask questions if you have any questions.If you agree, please bid with no claim and no return.
*We are also exhibiting mainly band T-shirts, outdoor brands, street brand clothing, old manga, and CDs of various genres, so please take a look at them are okay with you.