WA100点×2回、Vinous100点×2回、JS100点!計500点獲得! 【蔵出し!】 シャトー・ラトゥール 2010 リリース 2023年蔵出しです。 秋リリース、ビッグヴィンテージの2010年が極少量ですがリリースされました。輸入元(モトックスさん)ではシャトーとの交渉により、本バイオーダーに限り、1本木箱入となります。 蔵出しの最高の状態です! (※木箱により、ボトルを巻いてあるペーパーが、少々の破れ、擦れている箇所がございます。 ご了承の上お買い求め下さいますよう、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。)。 コレクター垂涎の1本! 年々注目度が高まっているラトゥール蔵出リリースをどこよりも早く確保する絶好の機会。ぜひ、お見逃しなく!! ■ブドウ品種:カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン90.5%、メルロー8.5%、カベルネ・フラン0.5%、プティ・ヴェルド0.5% ■ヴィンテージ情報 2010年は非常に寒く雨の多い春でした。6月後半にかけてようやく例年並みの気候に戻り、7月に入ってからは理想的な水分ストレスがかかり始めます。このころから果実の凝縮度が高まり、収穫を良質な状態で迎えることができました。(収穫日:9月20日~10月4日) 凝縮感のある濃い色調。深遠でピュアさのある果実のアロマは素晴らしい。タンニンはヴェルヴェットのようにスムースでパワフルで滑らかな口当たりを演出。天候に恵まれ、シャトー・ラトゥールの完璧なバランスと複雑さを見事に表現した貴重な1本に仕上がりました。 ≪パーカーポイント 100点!≫ 2010 Latour Rating:100 Release Price:NA Drink Date:2024 - 2080 Reviewed by:Lisa Perrotti-Brown Issue Date:6th Mar 2020 Source:March 2020 Week 1, The Wine Advocate The 2010 Latour is deep garnet in color, and―WOW―it erupts from the glass with powerful cr・・me de cassis, Black Forest cake and blackberry pie scents plus intense sparks of dried roses, cigar boxes, fragrant earth and smoked meats with aniseed and crushed rocks wafts. Full-bodied, concentrated and oh-so-decadent in the mouth, it has a firm, grainy texture and lovely freshness carrying the rich, opulent fruit to an epically long finish. It is incredibly tempting to drink now, but I suspect this hedonic experience isn't a scratch on the mind-blowing, otherworldly secrets this time capsule will have to reveal given another 7-10 years in bottle and continuing over the following fifty years++. ≪パーカーポイント 100点!≫ 2010 Latour Rating:100 Release Price:$1500 - 1800 Drink Date:2028 - 2078 Reviewed by:Robert M. Parker, Jr. Issue Date:28th Feb 2013 Source:205, The Wine Advocate One of the perfect wines of the vintage, Frederic Engerer challenged me when I tasted the 2010 Latour at the estate, asking, “If you rate the 2009 one hundred, then how can this not be higher?” Well, the scoring system stops at 100, (and has for 34 years,) and will continue for as long as I continue to write about wine. Nevertheless, this blend of 90.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 9.5% Merlot, and .5% Petit Verdot hit 14.4% natural alcohol and represents a tiny 36% of their entire production. The pH is about 3.6, which is normal compared to the 3.8 pH of the 2009, that wine being slightly lower in alcohol, hence the combination that makes it more flamboyant and accessible. The 2010 is a liquid skyscraper in the mouth, building layers upon layers of extravagant, if not over-the-top richness with its hints of subtle charcoal, truffle, blackberry, cassis, espresso and notes of toast and graphite. Full-bodied, with wonderfully sweet tannin, it is a mind-boggling, prodigious achievement that should hit its prime in about 15 years, and last for 50 to 100.
【蔵出し!】 シャトー・ラトゥール 2010 リリース
≪パーカーポイント 100点!≫
2010 Latour
Release Price:NA
Drink Date:2024 - 2080
Reviewed by:Lisa Perrotti-Brown
Issue Date:6th Mar 2020
Source:March 2020 Week 1, The Wine Advocate
The 2010 Latour is deep garnet in color, and―WOW―it erupts from the glass with powerful cr・・me de cassis, Black Forest cake and blackberry pie scents plus intense sparks of dried roses, cigar boxes, fragrant earth and smoked meats with aniseed and crushed rocks wafts. Full-bodied, concentrated and oh-so-decadent in the mouth, it has a firm, grainy texture and lovely freshness carrying the rich, opulent fruit to an epically long finish. It is incredibly tempting to drink now, but I suspect this hedonic experience isn't a scratch on the mind-blowing, otherworldly secrets this time capsule will have to reveal given another 7-10 years in bottle and continuing over the following fifty years++.
≪パーカーポイント 100点!≫
2010 Latour
Release Price:$1500 - 1800
Drink Date:2028 - 2078
Reviewed by:Robert M. Parker, Jr.
Issue Date:28th Feb 2013
Source:205, The Wine Advocate
One of the perfect wines of the vintage, Frederic Engerer challenged me when I tasted the 2010 Latour at the estate, asking, “If you rate the 2009 one hundred, then how can this not be higher?” Well, the scoring system stops at 100, (and has for 34 years,) and will continue for as long as I continue to write about wine. Nevertheless, this blend of 90.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 9.5% Merlot, and .5% Petit Verdot hit 14.4% natural alcohol and represents a tiny 36% of their entire production. The pH is about 3.6, which is normal compared to the 3.8 pH of the 2009, that wine being slightly lower in alcohol, hence the combination that makes it more flamboyant and accessible. The 2010 is a liquid skyscraper in the mouth, building layers upon layers of extravagant, if not over-the-top richness with its hints of subtle charcoal, truffle, blackberry, cassis, espresso and notes of toast and graphite. Full-bodied, with wonderfully sweet tannin, it is a mind-boggling, prodigious achievement that should hit its prime in about 15 years, and last for 50 to 100.